Heart & Vascular Institute

Limb Salvage Center

The Temple Limb Salvage Center is the first program of its type in the Philadelphia region dedicated entirely to preventing amputation in patients with vascular disease. Drawing on the skills and knowledge of specialists across Temple allows us to offer a range of diagnosis and treatment options for each patient — all in one place.

Vascular disease and associated nerve damage can lead to non-healing wounds, infections, ischemia (where tissue is starved of oxygen) and tissue death. Such conditions, both complex and urgent, require coordinated action by a team with a wide-range of experience. At Temple, that team includes vascular surgeons, interventional cardiologists, podiatrists and many others.

Our Limb Salvage Center’s top-tier diagnostic capabilities include:

Advanced Vascular Treatments

We offer more treatment options than a typical wound care center. Our team performs:

  • Minimally invasive and conventional vascular surgeries
  • Grafting with bio-engineered skin
  • Intensive treatment of infections
  • Wide range of other therapies

We stay involved after treatment to help patients and their providers through the recovery process and to prevent recurrence. Patients deserve care that helps them retain as much function and bodily integrity as possible.

Patients being considered for amputation, or who have wound healing issues or tissue damage that could threaten a limb, should seek immediate evaluation at the Temple Limb Salvage Center.

Multidisciplinary Team

Our interdisciplinary team provides aggressive yet carefully targeted interventions that spare tissue, repair damage, and help maintain and restore function in limbs that would otherwise have to be amputated.

At the Limb Salvage Center, patients can receive all of their testing and care in one location. Our team of specialists includes:

  • Vascular surgeons
  • Interventional cardiologists
  • Podiatrists
  • Cardiologists
  • Diabetologists (physicians who specialize in diabetes)
  • Plastic surgeons
  • Physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists
  • Nephrologists
  • Interventional radiologists
  • Infectious disease specialists
  • Neurologists

Ready for an Appointment?

Request an appointment with the Limb Salvage Center today or call 800-TEMPLE-MED (800-836-7536).


*IAC accreditation demonstrates a facility’s commitment to quality, accountable diagnostic care. To learn more, visit the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission.