Digital Bibliography
Henderer, J.D. and Rapuano, C. Ocular Pharmacology. Goodman and Gilman’s Textbook of Pharmacology, 12th edition, 2004, 2009 and 2017.
Kim, G, Theventirian, A, Henderer, J and Wilson, R. Glaucoma Medications. Ophthalmology Secrets Fourth Ed (2015).
Henderer, J.D. Fornix-based trabeculectomy. Video Atlas of Ophthalmic Surgery. Kunimoto, D editor, 2006.
Henderer, J.D. and Wilson, R.P. Filtering Surgery. Atlas of Glaucoma Surgery, 2nd edition. Choplin, N editor, 2005.
Myers, J.S., Henderer, J.D., Katz, L.J. and Rhee, D. Update on glaucoma. Yearbook of Ophthalmology 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
Henderer, J.D. and Wilson, R.P. Ocular hypertension. Agarwal International Textbook of Ophthalmology.
Henderer, J.D., Schmidt, C.M., Wilson, R.P. Hereditary aspects of glaucoma. Duane’s. Henderer, J.D., Myers, J.S., Wilson, R.P., Katz, L.J., Rhee, D. and Spaeth, G.L. Glaucoma. The Wills Atlas. Henderer, J.D. and Wilson, R.P. Glaucoma Medications. Ophthalmology Secrets. Second (2002) and Third Editions (2005).
May 2016 Henderer, JD. Visual fields as screening tools. Glaucoma Today. May/June 2016.
January 2015 Henderer, JD and Spaeth, GL. Cost-effective glaucoma care. Glaucoma Today. Winter 2015.
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